Walk into most gyms, large or small, around the country and you are likely to find people focused on two things: working out and watching a screen. While the gym remains, a temple dedicated only to bettering oneself for some people, more and more people are using their time at the gym to multitask. Why just workout when you can also catch up on the latest news or binge on your favorite streaming platform to help a workout go by faster?



A recent study found that 70% of health club members watch an average of 40 minutes of programming per visit. Using Digital Signage in your fitness studio allows you to provide informative and fresh content to individuals who want to be engaged by screens while working out. The following list is just some of the ways that you can use Digital Signage to reach customers in a medium that they are comfortable using.


gym floorplan


1. Class Schedules and Activities


Running late for yoga class and forgot which room it's in today? Sure, you could use your phone and try to load the website then navigate to the class schedule, or you could just look up and see the information you're looking for displayed.


Digital Signage makes displaying class schedules easy and gets the information to your customer directly. Also, if you need to make a last-minute schedule change, just update your Digital Signage display and everyone can be aware of the changes in minutes.


Additionally, Digital Signage makes for a great way to remind customers of upcoming special events or activities. If boot camp sign-ups end on Friday, a front, and center display while they are at the gym, is a great way to remind potential attendees.


New activity display


2. Motivation


Sometimes just going to the gym is all the motivation that you need. On other days, you could use some words of wisdom to get through the last couple of reps. Help provide your customers with the motivation that they need on your Digital Signage display.


Another way to motivate your customers is to highlight a workout move of the day. You can set up a schedule that allows your display to let everyone know that Tuesday is plank day. As individuals see improvement in their fitness levels over time, it will help them gain additional motivation to keep going. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to introduce new workout sequences, that can then be used in a later class.


Instagram walls provide quick motivation
Instagram Walls provide quick motivation


3. Sales and Advertising

It would be remiss if a discussion about Digital Signage in gyms didn't talk about the potential to advertise and increase sales. The key is to do it in a way that doesn't annoy customers or turn them off from your product. A great way to do this is to highlight specials, such as happy hour at the juice bar, or special pricing on personal training sessions. Make sure that your advertising is targeted towards your customers and limit yourself to the overall number of advertisements.


4. Important Information

Need to do maintenance on the pool or locker room. Make sure that your customers are informed about any changes that are going on in a timely manner. Keeping customers informed also helps with customer retention. Just a 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect as decreasing costs by 10%. (Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet Murphy and Mark Murphy).














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