Why do retail stores need digital signage? Retail digital signage can have many benefits for your business.


Drive more foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores



The number one benefit of digital signage is increasing store traffic. According to market data, 8 out of 10 customers enter a store after seeing digital signage. Like a classic lightbox, moving images always grab attention as they pass by.



Enhance purchasing decisions and generate more sales


More than 40% of consumers believe that having relevant information and a digital presence near the point of purchase can influence their purchasing decisions. Digital signage in retail stores gives customers a more authentic look and feel of products by emphasizing unique qualities, perspectives, or designs of products through video or images.



Additionally, 80% of brands using digital signage displays reported a 33% increase in sales. It can generate an immersive consumer experience and increase the potential for cross-selling, up-selling, and impulse buying. You can do this by quickly adapting and deploying compelling messages when and where it matters most.



Provide entertainment


Keeping your visitors happy is good for your business. Fifty percent of millennial men and 70 percent of women consider shopping a form of entertainment, according to a new study from the Urban Land Institute. Consumers love learning new things and sharing what they learn with loved ones.



In contrast, entertaining consumers with digital displays is easy and inexpensive. You can display multimedia content such as graphics, photos, and videos from a variety of sources, including social media, on retail digital signage.


Increase social media presence


Having a solid online presence is a must for any business venture these days. One of the primary responsibilities of retail digital signage has evolved into promoting a company's website and social media accounts.



Retailers can feature their social media connections and website alongside informative or entertaining content on digital screens in stores.



This incentivizes customers to find and subscribe to their page, helping merchants grow their online audience and further nurture them to generate sales.


Improve internal communication


Digital signage in retail stores can keep an eye on not only customers but store personnel as well. You can install retail signage displays that display employee-specific information such as work schedules, employee bonuses, business announcements, birthday announcements, and more. This will help strengthen the corporate culture, improve the work environment and employee communication.


Increase your brand awareness



Signage in retail stores can help create a more favorable image of your company in the minds of customers. The more customers see your brand image, the more they will remember you. As a result, they choose to return to your store more often. And once they do, they're also more likely to spend more money there.



Reduce expense



Digital signage software helps companies cut the cost of publishing brochures, printing menu boards, traditional billboards, and large posters. Plus, you save time and money on shipping and storing those marketing materials. This gives you more resources to produce high-quality content and visuals to grab your customers' attention.



Increase brand loyalty



You can use digital signage to promote your newsletters, mobile apps, and customer loyalty programs. In this way, you can increase the touchpoints with your customers, bring them closer and turn them into regular customers.















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